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Oxford Public School
Sl No. Types and Title of Information Explanation
1Name of the school with address: (strictly as per Affiliation sanction letter as permitted by the board) with Pin Code Number: oxford public school, near police line, malaypur, jamui-811113
EMail Address 65716@cbseshiksha.in
Contact Number 9570211113
Landline Phone/Fax 06345-222413
2Year of establishment of school: 2015
3Whether NOC from State/UT or recommendation of Embossy of India obtained?NOC from State of Bihar
NOC Number 1018
Date of NOC 04.08.2015
4Is the school recognise? If yes, then by which Authority Recognised and Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi view document
Status of Affiliation (Permanent/Regular/Provisional):Regular Affiliation
Affiliation Number 330719
Affiliation with the Board since 01.04.2017
Extension of affiliation upto 31.03.2025
5Name of the Trust / Society / Company registered under section 25 of the Company Act, 1956.: suresh sinha memorial society, jamui view document
Period upto which Registration of Trust / Society valid:Permanent
6 Members of School Managing Comittee with Address / Tenure and Post held: view document
1 kusum sinha mahisouri, jamui chairperson
2. manoj kr. sinha mahisouri, jamui manager
3. ritu raj mahisouri, jamuiMember
4. krishna mohan prasad sureshpuram, jami teacher Member
5. shiwangi sharan sureshpuram, jamui teacher Member
6. arvind kumar jamui parents Member
7. priya kumari jamui parents Member
8. ramakant sharma maniyadda , jamui other school representative
9. sudha rani kalayanpur, jamui other school representative
10. dr. indu bhushan prasad bodhwan talab , jamui Member
11. prof. shukhdev thakur kkm college, jamui Member
12. s.n. meena lakhisrai member
13. arun kumar sinha barhat, jamui member
7Name and official address of the Manager / President / Chairman / Correspondent : Dr. manoj kumar sinha, mahisouri, jamui
Email Address: manojsinhaoxford@gmail.com
Contact No.: 9570211112
Fax Number.: 06324-222413
8Area of School Campus:
In Acres: 3.27 Acres
In Sq. Metres.: 13233.22 Sq. Metres.
Built Up Area (Sq. Metres): 1761 Sq. Metres.
Area of Playground (Sq. Metres.): 11472
9Other Facilities:
Swimming Pool: no
Indoor Games: Yes (Carram, Chess, Table Tennis, Ludo etc.)
Dance Room:Yes (well furnished dance room for boys and girls students)
Music Room:Yes (Well equipped music room with all musical instruments)
Hostel Facility: no
Medical Facility:Yes, Primary Medical Facilities.
10Details of Fee Structure for the Session: 2021-22:
Class development FeeAdmission FeeExamination FeeMonthly Tuition Fee
I500 2000 200 750
II 500 2000 200 750
III500 2000 200 750
IV500 2000 200 750
V500 2000 200 750
VI500 2000 250 850
VII500 2000 250 850
VIII500 2000 250 850
IX 1000 3000 300 950
X 1000 - 300 950
XI & XII (Board Based) 1500 4800 400 1800
*Payable once by new students. Existing students are not required to Pay. Transport Fee is taken as per distance but not more than Rs. 1200/- per month.
11Transport Fee:
Own Buses: 1 bus 1 mini van
Buses hired on contract basis: no
Details of Transport Charges: Rs.400 to 900 (As per distance).
12List of Academic Staffs as on current year.:
sl no desigination no of teachers
1 pgt 18
2 tgt 33
3. prt 10
4 pti 2
5 other non teaching staff 8
6 total no. of staff 71
13Details of salary being paid by the school to teaching staff / Non-teaching staff (to be updated time to time):
Mode of payment of salary:Through the Bank
Name of the Bank through which salary is drawing: idbi, jamui
Through Single Cheque or Transfer Advice:Transfer advice
Individual Cheque:Yes
Cash:Cash payment for Part-Time teachers.
14Library Description:
Size of the Library in Sq. feet: 40 x 30 inches
No. of periodicals: 18 Nos.
No. of Dailies:5 Newspapers
No. of Reference books classwise:40
No. of Magazines:5
15Name and Contact of Grievance/Redressal Officer: Mr. ritu raj , Contact No.- 9570211113
16Members of Sexual Harassment Committee:
1. rita kumari
2. kumari prem lata
3. Mrs. ranjana singh
4. Mr. sanjeet sudhanshu
17Number of the students in different classes in session 2021-22:
ClassTotal Number of SectionsTotal Number of Students
I 1 40
II 1 40
III 1 40
IV 1 40
V 2 72
VI 1 45
VII 2 85
VIII 3 135
IX 7 315
X 7 314
XI 7 280



18Academic Session Period: From 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022
19Vacation Period: view document
21 Admission Period: From 1st April of the year
Mandatory Information in CBSE Format